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Bore Hole and Generator

During the initial build in 2011, we were having to draw water up from the well in order to mix cement and wet the ground to clear roots and scrub, After completion of the school building in 2012, we decided to fund raise for a borehole and generator, to provide clean running water for the students at the school, and to assist us with future building projects.

In 2013 we were delighted to receive the support and help from Father Alan Everett and The Parish of St Clement and St James, West London who helped to raise the funds for an additional borehole which has been constructed on the grounds in the clinic. This borehole is solar paneled and is also connected to the water supply at the nursery school, so we no longer require the expensive fuel for the generator to pump water for both projects.


The well used initially for building projects.


A spot is chosen for the new borehole.


An area is dug to allow drilling to commence.


The drill is set up.

The drill bores deep into the ground until it
reaches the water table.


Piping is placed in the hole to ensure the water runs as
clean as possible.


The water tank is cleaned and pipes attached.


The tank is lifted ontop of the tower and attached to the borehole.


The generator is hooked up to the water system.


We now have clean running water all year round!

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